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53. Diliana Stoyanova: Shadow art

Shadow art 
(an art form where 3D objects create unexpected shadows)

Is it light, or is it darkness
Miming colorful charades
Is it light or is it darkness
Throwing shadows over shades.

Is it light or darkness lining
A shape anthropo-counterfeit.
Is it light or darkness shining
On a pile of random shit.

I lived in Finland for 6 years without hearing of Kaamos and I find it a bit over-dramatic tbh. I am an insomniac who likes walking outside at night, so the one thing I miss in Finland is neither winter daylight, nor cheap beer. I miss the stars in summer. 
How sad, to only know starlight 
in its solid, frozen form,
and not the hot liquid 
spilling from the pitch-black burning air. 

I found darkness quite exciting in my first winter here. It is so exotic! OMG, the sun sets at 5pm, then 4pm, then almost 3pm!!! Insert not funny jokes about alcoholism and bonding over seasonal depression. 

Where is this darkness, I don’t see it!
I hear something though,
Is it darkness, crying human at the corner of a metro station
and inside the veins, sobs pumping shadows?
Is it darkness humming a lullaby through prison bars
holding children? 
Is it darkness skipping lightly around a corner
through barbed wire and around flags?
Is it darkness refracting through synapses,
shuddering neurons rising to meet the cold? 

I don’t get it. Here is a survey to help me figure it out. 

How dark is Finland?

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